
卧底枪手完整版在线观看 卧底枪手豆瓣评分

艾丽游戏ing 1


1、链接: 提取码: iwq8 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦作品简介:《使命召唤12》又名《使命召唤:黑色行动3》(Call of Duty: Black Ops III)是一款由Treyarch开发,动视暴雪发行的第一人称射击游戏,是使命召唤游戏系列的第12部作品。

2、listen only to the sound of my voice只需听着我的声音let you mind relax让你的思维放松let your thoughts drift任凭你的思绪蔓延漂流let the bad memories fade让不好的记忆消散let peace be upon you感受平静surrender yourself to your dream把自己交给梦境let them wash over you like the gentle waves of the bluest ocean他们像深蓝色的海洋的温柔的波浪一样轻抚你let them envelop you让他们包围你comfort you安抚你imagine some where peace想像一个平静的地方imagine some where safe想像一个安全的地方imagine your self想象一下in a frozen forest你身处在一个冰冻的森林you are standing in a clearing你站在一片空地上the trees around you so tall they touch the sky你周围的树高耸入云pure white snowflakes fall all around纯白的雪在你周围飘落you can feel they melt on your skin你可以感觉到他们在你的皮肤上融化you are not cold你并不感到寒冷it cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heartcan you hear it它无法战胜内心的温暖can you hear it?你能听到吗?you only have to listen ……你只需要听着do you hear it slowing你听到它变慢了吗you are slowing it你正在让它变慢you are in control你的一切都在掌控之中calm平静at peace安宁——转自贴吧。
