
英雄联盟手游aurelionsol 英雄联盟手游体验服

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League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients.[1]

英雄联盟手游aurelionsol 英雄联盟手游体验服英雄联盟手游aurelionsol 英雄联盟手游体验服

In League of Legends, players assume the role of an unseen "summoner" that controls a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a structure which lies at the heart of a base protected by defensive structures, although other distinct game modes exist as well. Each League of Legends match is discrete, with all champions starting off fairly weak but increasing in strength by accumulating items and experience over the course of the game.[2] The champions and setting blend a variety of elements, including high fantasy, steampunk, and Lovecraftian horror.

League of Legends was generally well received upon its release in 2009, and has since grown in popularity, with an active and expansive fanbase. By July 2012, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played.[3] As of January 2014, over 67 million people played League of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours.[4] League has among the largest footprints of any game in streaming media communities on platforms such as YouTube and Twitch.tv; it routinely ranks first in the most-watched hours.[5][6] In September 2016 the company estimated that there are over 100 million active players each month.[7][8] The game's popularity has led it to expand into merchandise, with toys, accessories, apparel, as well as tie-ins to other media through music videos, web series, documentaries, and books.

League of Legends has an active and widespread competitive scene. In North America and Europe, Riot Games organizes the League Championship Series (LCS), located in Los Angeles and Berlin respectively, which consists of 10 professional teams in each continent.[9] Similar regional competitions exist in China (LPL), South Korea (LCK), Taiwan (LMS), Southeast Asia (GPL), and various other regions.[10] These regional competitions culminate with the annual World Championship. The 2016 World Championship had 43 million unique viewers and a total prize pool of over 6 million USD.[11]

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这是设计师Rabid Llma设计的第二个英雄,他之前也参与设计了巴徳;

英雄灵感来源是被取消的英雄敖兴(Ao Shin),他们的英文名字首字母是一样的;




1. 辅助英雄:辅助英雄可以为队友提供护盾,治愈效果等等,并在团战中扮演保护队友的角色。

2. 坦克英雄:坦克英雄是另一个重要的角色,他们通常是团队的前排,并负责承担敌方的攻击。能够有效地吸引敌方攻击从而保护队友。

3. 控制型英雄:这类英雄的主要作用就是通过控制敌方行动,从而给自己的团队赢得时间和优势,这可以打乱敌方的节奏,为团队创造机会。



1. 辛德拉:辛德拉以高爆发输出和大范围无解的技能为特点,可以在团队战斗中起到强有力的支援和输出作用。

2. 洛: 洛可以提供致盲、减速和大规模的AOE伤害,她既可以保护队友,也可以大量输出对手。

3. 魔蛇之拥:魔蛇之拥可以瞬间操控战局,以她充满震慑力的大招驱赶敌人,也可以突袭掉队的对手。

4. 纳尔:纳尔在巨兽形态下有高爆发伤害和强大的摧毁力,而在追击者形态下,则是一个出黑操作的移速怪兽,可以在团队里提供出色的输出和跟进能力。

5. 加里奥:作为一个坦克英雄,加里奥的大招可以在团战中提供持续的失血量和减速效果,能有效的控盘局面,并保护队友的安全。
