

艾丽游戏ing 1





春than the other guests. Then they arrived just when we wanted them.花开又落,一晃即是秋。风叶扫阶前,卷绫垂月头。中秋,你挂牵着多少亲情,月圆,又孕育着多凄清。这个中秋月圆,让素心里也沾满了疲惫,藏不住泪眼里的忧伤,恨不起月圆下的雾胧。抱一泓满月雪霜入怀,拥着细细洒洒,水柔雾泻的缕缕皓辉,折叠在八月的秋景。










我曾读过唐人曹松的《中秋对月》中“直到天头无尽处, 不曾私照一人家”的诗句,也曾看过李白《峨眉山月歌》中“峨眉山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流。夜发清溪向三峡,思君不见下渝州”的,还有朱自清先生的《荷塘月色》。这些难得的佳作中曹松的诗抒发的是不平,《峨眉山月歌》抒发对故友的思念,朱先生的文章抒发哀愁。他们均写月,写月的无私公平普照大地,写月的淡淡月光给人的安慰,纵然其中并非都是中秋圆月。月亮从古至今都是思念、温柔、恬静的象征。尤其是中秋圆月,多少诗人睹物生情,写下传世之作;又有多少离别之人的惆怅。而我却没有这样的哀愁,我记起的,它牵动着我也牵动着亿万炎黄赤子的心,一片片温暖跨海传情。中秋的月好象也正为此感人之举默默流泪。她,繁忙的信,祖国的安慰由她传达。那么,原来思念、温柔、美好、恬静的象征中,更应添上一笔关爱和帮助,使无助的人看到她就想到希望,想到明天的美好。这月光虽不及太阳炽热的光芒,但却更能唤起联想——在困难之时,定有人伸出无私的手,给你帮助和温暖。这联想不是对世俗的乞求,而是我们这生活在地球上的一类年轻生命的本性——人性。大海纳百川,这中秋圆月仿佛是平静的大海吸收这每个人的思索,在她的温柔恬静中,思索的波涛也在缓缓地释放,化成云雾环绕其周。这是意境,注入新象征的意境。


















今余做斯文兮悲生hand. He is therefore forgiven, if late for之幻;后人观此赋兮当笑吾之愚。



irritating habit. The only thing to do was ask them to come half an hour later


Yesterday,I had the mid-autumn festival with my family in aance,and I find there was soming special.


Maomao was very strange,it didn't eat anything in a whole day,and I didn't find anything wrong with it after checking.It slept all along,and I didn't know the reason.At night when I had the mid-autumn festival with my family,and had good food,it suddenly waked up.I wonder if it knew the mid-autumn festival?


Actually, that was not the case.I asked my mother the change of the dog's behior recently again and again,and surveyed it from the aspects of rest and food,and I found it was very strange that it often went out to eat the bones,because it became sick easily,and vomitted often,and make the family very dirty,and my mother told me that it was often behior like that when being taken out,but if it didn't eat anything,there must be sth wrong with its appetite,or it had eat its fill,and would not eat anything more.And all of these were only coincidences.It happened that the day when it ate randomly was the same day with the mid-autumn festival,and it made people to think that Maomao knew the mid-autumn festival,but it was not in fact.

There is another reason if seeking further,it is strange that a dog can l good or bad of the food with its nose,if you give it some fish and other food to eat,and it ells and feels they are not fresh,and its appetite is influenced badly,so it becomes retching,and will not eat anything in a day.All in all,these were all coincidences,and the dog didn't know anything.Any problem has its own cause and effect,and is not ridiculous or unreasonable.


This is the riddle why "the dog knows it is the mid-autumn festival today".



Punctuality is a necessary habit in all

public affairs of a civilized society. With-

out it, nothing could r be brought to a

conclusion; rything would be in a

state of chaos. Only in a sparsely-

populated rural community is it sible

to disregard it. In ordinary living there

can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.

The inlectual, who is working on some

abstruse problem, has rything co-

a dinner party. But people are often

reproached for unpunctuality when their

only fault is cutting things fine. It is hard

for energetic, quick-minded people to

waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep

an appointment. If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tyres, diver-

sions of traffic, sudden descent of fog, they will be on time. They are often more

industrious, useful citizens than those who are nr late. The over-punctual

can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual. The guest who arrives half

an hour too soon is the greatest nuisance. Some friends of my family had this

If you are catching a train, it is always better to be comfortably early than

n a fraction of a minute too late. Although being early may mean wasting a

little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and he to wait an hour

or more for the next one; and you oid the frustration of arriving at the very

moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable to get on


Yesterday ahead of time with family member Midautumn Festival,discovery unusual matter

The infant is very strange, unexpectedly one day has not eaten anything, after but I he inspected, its body any not good has notreflected the symptom, continuously is sleeps, why doesn't say, whenthe ning, crossed Midautumn Festival toger with the familymember time, eats the thing, its sudden spirit. Does it alsounderstand Midautumn Festival?

Actually otherwise, I repeatedly asked mother dog recently sral dayin the change, from the diet, in the rest has made the investigation,very what is strange, it recently frequently ate the bone to outside,first own easy sickness, but also frequently vomitted, makes in thefamily the very dirty. Listens to the mother to say, it in the timewhich pulls, always like this, but if does not eat the thing,definiy is the appetite question, perhaps has already eaten to thefull, like this could not again eat any thing, all these were only acoincidence, happen to caught up with it randomly to eat the thing,but today also is Midautumn Festival, only then caused to produce itunexpectedly to be able to know Midautumn Festival the feeling,actually was not.

A deeper ll also has a reason, very strange, dog's noseunexpectedly can distinguish food the quality, early morning for it anabundant fish and food, after it has elled, thought the flor hasnot been fresh, suited one's taste has had not the good feeling,finally made its gastric disorder, one day has not eaten any. Inbrief, all are the coincidence, certainly did not mean the dogunderstands any. Any thing all has the cause and effect, is not thefunny unreasonable explanation.

This is "the dog also understands Midautumn Festival today" confusing.

Punctuality is a necessary habit in all

public affairs of a civilized society. With-

out it, nothing could r be brought to a

conclusion; rything would be in a

state of chaos. Only in a sparsely-

populated rural community is it sible

to disregard it. In ordinary living there

can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.

The inlectual, who is working on some

abstruse problem, has rything co-

a dinner party. But people are often

reproached for unpunctuality when their

only fault is cutting things fine. It is hard

for energetic, quick-minded people to

waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep

an appointment. If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tyres, diver-

sions of traffic, sudden descent of fog, they will be on time. They are often more

industrious, useful citizens than those who are nr late. The over-punctual

can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual. The guest who arrives half

an hour too soon is the greatest nuisance. Some friends of my family had this

If you are catching a train, it is always better to be comfortably early than

n a fraction of a minute too late. Although being early may mean wasting a

little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and he to wait an hour

or more for the next one; and you oid the frustration of arriving at the very

moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable to get on

it. An n harder situation is to be on the platform in good time for a train and

still to see it go off without you. Such an experience befell a certain young girl

the first time she was trelling alone.

She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due, since her

parents had impressed upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and

cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to

meet her. She ge her luggage to a porter and showed him her ticket. To her

horror he said that she was two hours too soon. She felt in her handbag for the

piece of on which her father had written down all the details of the

journey and give it to the porter. He agreed that a train did come into the station

at the time on the and that it did stop, but only to take on water, not

passengers. The girl asked to see a timetable, feeling sure that her father could

not he made such a mistake. The porter went to fetch one and arrived back

with the station, who produced it with a flourish and pointed out a

microscopic 'o' beside the time of the arrival of the train at his station; this

little 'o' indicated that the train only stopped for water. Just as that moment

the train came into the station. The girl, tears streaming down her face, begged

to be allowed to slip into the guard's van. But the station was adamant:

rules could not be broken. And she had to watch that train disappear towards

her destination while she was left behind.

Aanced to lead Mid-Autumn Festival今天,我独步来到过去的月影下,我们曾踏歌喂梦的怡园,找一找你曾留下的喑香,与那漫驼的,一个人就这样痴痴的,静静的,回想着我们的过去 with family yesterday, the detection ordered a different affair.

The hair hair is very strange, didn't eat any thing unexpectedly for a day, but I check later on, its body didn't is any to reflect symptom badly, hing been sleeping, not way why, wait until an ning, lead the time of Mid-Autumn Festival toger with family, eat good thing, it suddenly spirit.Does the difficult way also understand Mid-Autumn Festival?

In fact and otherwise, I ask mother's dog again and again in recent sral days of variety, took a rest to once do inquisition up from the food, very strange BE, it recently usually go to the outside eat bone, a come from F easily disease, also usually vomit, make the home is very dirty.Listenning to the mother once say, it at the time of being led long, always so, but if don't eat, affirm is an appetite problem, or he already been full, so will not eat again any thing, the all these is strangely fits and at the right moment just to catch up it to eat in disorder, now then the day is a Mid-Autumn Festival again, just will cause the creation know the felling of Mid-Autumn Festival, physically not yes.

The deeper time still has a reason, very strange, the nose of dog can recognize a food of quality, the morning give it prosperous lead one fish and r, it ells later on, feel the flor isn't fresh, agreeing with stomach to produce a bad felling, as a result of it fells sick, didn't eat for a day any.In a word, all of rythings are strangely fits just, not that the dog understand what.Any thing has a cause and effect, isn't funny irrational explain.

This is the fan of"the dog also understood Mid-Autumn Festival today".




In packaging design, the materials and sturcture that come our designing are the basic elements of changing idea into product.Also it is an important medium which contacts the aesthetics of designing. But figures,colours,characters,shapes or other visual fabric element are the main instruments of satisfying us with both using and aesthetic requirements.In this way,packaging design can promote salings.At first, the designing should draw the attention of customers,and only attracted products could be bought.So a novel shape,a bright vivid colour,a delicate pattern are wanted in packaging design.Also,typical materials could give a strong impression to product, customer be fond of at first sight.



唐 元稹《离思》:“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君





回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨ordinated and organized for the matter in也无晴。


物是人非事事休 欲语泪先流。



