

艾丽游戏ing 1




Russell Westbrook, born on November 12, 1988 in Long Beach, California, is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Los Angeles Clippers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was selected as the fourth overall pick in the 2008 NBA Draft by the Oklahoma City Thunder, and has since played for them in the NBA.

Westbrook is a triple-double threat, known for his speed, strength, and ability to pass, shoot, and rebound. In 2016-2017, he led the league in assists and became just the second player in NBA history to erage a triple-double for a season, joining Oscar Robertson as the only players to do so. Westbrook has since become a nine-time All-Star and has been named to four All-NBA teams.

He has had multiple injuries throughout his career, but has still continued to play at a high level. Westbrook's relentless style of play has made him a fan forite, and his speed and agility he made him a threat on both ends of the court.

Westbrook is married to Nina Prince, with whom he has three children. He has also become involved in various charitable causes throughout his career, supporting organizations that help children and their families.

In September 2021, Westbrook was traded to the Washington Wizards as part of a blockbuster deal that sent John Wall and the #28 pick in the 2023 NBA Draft to the Clippers along with four first-round picks and two pick swaps.

  Russell westbrook is one of the biggest guys in basketball right now 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克是目前名气的篮球队员之一

  Well I'm here today shooting NBA live 16 video game 今天我来拍摄NBA live 16

  Here getting motion captures of my signature moves what I like to do 我们要捕捉我的标志动作、场上习惯

  To work with an athlete like Russell 能与拉塞尔这样的运动员合作

  It's fantastic to see the physicality and just to see him on the motion capture floor see what he' doing 能看到他这样的身体素质,真的十分完美,也能看到他在动作捕捉中的一举一动

  All of that self expression off the court and all of that energy and explosiveness on the court 比如场下那种个人表现力,场上的能量与爆炸力

  This is an opportunity I definitely couldn't pass up 这是一个我绝不会放掉的机会

  This facility is the best of the world 这是世界的设备

  and this helps to capture the most minute motions that these guys he 能捕捉到球员细微的动作

  and this is my first time actually doing something like this, especially these motion sensors 这是我次做这个,尤其戴着这些捕捉设备

  I would say that was a stylish outfit just for this but I wouldn't probably wear it nowhere else 我只想说,这套行头在这里穿很有范儿,但我可不敢穿出去

  Maybe for Halloween or something 可能万圣节穿一下

威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)是美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,现效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。  威斯布鲁克在NBA的职业生涯中,场均可以得到20.6分,7.5个篮板,7.5次助攻和1.3次抢断。





拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克(英文名为Russell Westbrook,于1988年11月12日出生),家乡位于美国加利福尼亚州。绰号:威少,司职控球后卫,现效力奇才队。威斯布鲁克运动能力超强,爆发力惊人,擅长攻击篮筐,被认为是NBA全能的球员之一。

  2008年NBA选秀,威斯布鲁克以首轮第4顺位被雷霆队选中。 2009年随着詹姆斯-哈登被雷霆选中,威斯布鲁克与哈登以及杜兰特组成“雷霆三少”。 2017年4月,威少在常规赛收官战对阵掘金,他砍下50分16篮板10助攻。这一战意义重大,威斯布鲁克用行动证明了就算杜兰特离开后自己也能带领球队经受住考验,雷霆依旧是豪强。2017年9月,他与雷霆签署了一份为期5年价值2.05亿美元的续约合同。在雷霆时期,他曾连续三个赛季拿下场均三双的惊人数据。2019年7月,威斯布鲁克被交易至火箭,与老队友哈登重逢。2020年12月,火箭队将威斯布鲁克交易至奇才队。2020-21赛季,威斯布鲁克以场均11.7个助攻成为赛季助攻王。

       Russell westbrook is one of the biggest guys in basketball right now 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克是目前名气的篮球队员之一

  Well I'm here today shooting NBA live 16 video game 今天我来拍摄NBA live 16

  Here getting motion captures of my signature moves what I like to do 我们要捕捉我的标志动作、场上习惯

  To work with an athlete like Russell 能与拉塞尔这样的运动员合作

  It's fantastic to see the physicality and just to see him on the motion capture floor see what he' doing 能看到他这样的身体素质,真的十分完美,也能看到他在动作捕捉中的一举一动

  All of that self expression off the court and all of that energy and explosiveness on the court 比如场下那种个人表现力,场上的能量与爆炸力

  This is an opportunity I definitely couldn't pass up 这是一个我绝不会放掉的机会

  This facility is the best of the world 这是世界的设备

  and this helps to capture the most minute motions that these guys he 能捕捉到球员细微的动作

  and this is my first time actually doing something like this, especially these motion sensors 这是我次做这个,尤其戴着这些捕捉设备

  I would say that was a stylish outfit just for this but I wouldn't probably wear it nowhere else 我只想说,这套行头在这里穿很有范儿,但我可不敢穿出去

  Maybe for Halloween or something 可能万圣节穿一下吧



Russell Westbrook, born on November 12, 1988 in Long Beach, California, is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Los Angeles Clippers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was selected as the fourth overall pick in the 2008 NBA Draft by the Oklahoma City Thunder, and has since played for them in the NBA.

Westbrook is a triple-double threat, known for his speed, strength, and ability to pass, shoot, and rebound. In 2016-2017, he led the league in assists and became just the second player in NBA history to erage a triple-double for a season, joining Oscar Robertson as the only players to do so. Westbrook has since become a nine-time All-Star and has been named to four All-NBA teams.

He has had multiple injuries throughout his career, but has still continued to play at a high level. Westbrook's relentless style of play has made him a fan forite, and his speed and agility he made him a threat on both ends of the court.

Westbrook is married to Nina Prince, with whom he has three children. He has also become involved in various charitable causes throughout his career, supporting organizations that help children and their families.

In September 2021, Westbrook was traded to the Washington Wizards as part of a blockbuster deal that sent John Wall and the #28 pick in the 2023 NBA Draft to the Clippers along with four first-round picks and two pick swaps.

  Russell westbrook is one of the biggest guys in basketball right now 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克是目前名气的篮球队员之一

  Well I'm here today shooting NBA live 16 video game 今天我来拍摄NBA live 16

  Here getting motion captures of my signature moves what I like to do 我们要捕捉我的标志动作、场上习惯

  To work with an athlete like Russell 能与拉塞尔这样的运动员合作

  It's fantastic to see the physicality and just to see him on the motion capture floor see what he' doing 能看到他这样的身体素质,真的十分完美,也能看到他在动作捕捉中的一举一动

  All of that self expression off the court and all of that energy and explosiveness on the court 比如场下那种个人表现力,场上的能量与爆炸力

  This is an opportunity I definitely couldn't pass up 这是一个我绝不会放掉的机会

  This facility is the best of the world 这是世界的设备

  and this helps to capture the most minute motions that these guys he 能捕捉到球员细微的动作

  and this is my first time actually doing something like this, especially these motion sensors 这是我次做这个,尤其戴着这些捕捉设备

  I would say that was a stylish outfit just for this but I wouldn't probably wear it nowhere else 我只想说,这套行头在这里穿很有范儿,但我可不敢穿出去

  Maybe for Halloween or something 可能万圣节穿一下

威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)是美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,现效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。  威斯布鲁克在NBA的职业生涯中,场均可以得到20.6分,7.5个篮板,7.5次助攻和1.3次抢断。






Russell Westbrook, born on November 12, 1988 in Long Beach, California, is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Los Angeles Clippers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was selected as the fourth overall pick in the 2008 NBA Draft by the Oklahoma City Thunder, and has since played for them in the NBA.

Westbrook is a triple-double threat, known for his speed, strength, and ability to pass, shoot, and rebound. In 2016-2017, he led the league in assists and became just the second player in NBA history to erage a triple-double for a season, joining Oscar Robertson as the only players to do so. Westbrook has since become a nine-time All-Star and has been named to four All-NBA teams.

He has had multiple injuries throughout his career, but has still continued to play at a high level. Westbrook's relentless style of play has made him a fan forite, and his speed and agility he made him a threat on both ends of the court.

Westbrook is married to Nina Prince, with whom he has three children. He has also become involved in various charitable causes throughout his career, supporting organizations that help children and their families.

In September 2021, Westbrook was traded to the Washington Wizards as part of a blockbuster deal that sent John Wall and the #28 pick in the 2023 NBA Draft to the Clippers along with four first-round picks and two pick swaps.

  Russell westbrook is one of the biggest guys in basketball right now 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克是目前名气的篮球队员之一

  Well I'm here today shooting NBA live 16 video game 今天我来拍摄NBA live 16

  Here getting motion captures of my signature moves what I like to do 我们要捕捉我的标志动作、场上习惯

  To work with an athlete like Russell 能与拉塞尔这样的运动员合作

  It's fantastic to see the physicality and just to see him on the motion capture floor see what he' doing 能看到他这样的身体素质,真的十分完美,也能看到他在动作捕捉中的一举一动

  All of that self expression off the court and all of that energy and explosiveness on the court 比如场下那种个人表现力,场上的能量与爆炸力

  This is an opportunity I definitely couldn't pass up 这是一个我绝不会放掉的机会

  This facility is the best of the world 这是世界的设备

  and this helps to capture the most minute motions that these guys he 能捕捉到球员细微的动作

  and this is my first time actually doing something like this, especially these motion sensors 这是我次做这个,尤其戴着这些捕捉设备

  I would say that was a stylish outfit just for this but I wouldn't probably wear it nowhere else 我只想说,这套行头在这里穿很有范儿,但我可不敢穿出去

  Maybe for Halloween or something 可能万圣节穿一下

威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)是美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,现效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。  威斯布鲁克在NBA的职业生涯中,场均可以得到20.6分,7.5个篮板,7.5次助攻和1.3次抢断。






Russell Westbrook, born on November 12, 1988 in Long Beach, California, is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Los Angeles Clippers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was selected as the fourth overall pick in the 2008 NBA Draft by the Oklahoma City Thunder, and has since played for them in the NBA.

Westbrook is a triple-double threat, known for his speed, strength, and ability to pass, shoot, and rebound. In 2016-2017, he led the league in assists and became just the second player in NBA history to erage a triple-double for a season, joining Oscar Robertson as the only players to do so. Westbrook has since become a nine-time All-Star and has been named to four All-NBA teams.

He has had multiple injuries throughout his career, but has still continued to play at a high level. Westbrook's relentless style of play has made him a fan forite, and his speed and agility he made him a threat on both ends of the court.

Westbrook is married to Nina Prince, with whom he has three children. He has also become involved in various charitable causes throughout his career, supporting organizations that help children and their families.

In September 2021, Westbrook was traded to the Washington Wizards as part of a blockbuster deal that sent John Wall and the #28 pick in the 2023 NBA Draft to the Clippers along with four first-round picks and two pick swaps.

  Russell westbrook is one of the biggest guys in basketball right now 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克是目前名气的篮球队员之一

  Well I'm here today shooting NBA live 16 video game 今天我来拍摄NBA live 16

  Here getting motion captures of my signature moves what I like to do 我们要捕捉我的标志动作、场上习惯

  To work with an athlete like Russell 能与拉塞尔这样的运动员合作

  It's fantastic to see the physicality and just to see him on the motion capture floor see what he' doing 能看到他这样的身体素质,真的十分完美,也能看到他在动作捕捉中的一举一动

  All of that self expression off the court and all of that energy and explosiveness on the court 比如场下那种个人表现力,场上的能量与爆炸力

  This is an opportunity I definitely couldn't pass up 这是一个我绝不会放掉的机会

  This facility is the best of the world 这是世界的设备

  and this helps to capture the most minute motions that these guys he 能捕捉到球员细微的动作

  and this is my first time actually doing something like this, especially these motion sensors 这是我次做这个,尤其戴着这些捕捉设备

  I would say that was a stylish outfit just for this but I wouldn't probably wear it nowhere else 我只想说,这套行头在这里穿很有范儿,但我可不敢穿出去

  Maybe for Halloween or something 可能万圣节穿一下

威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)是美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,现效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。  威斯布鲁克在NBA的职业生涯中,场均可以得到20.6分,7.5个篮板,7.5次助攻和1.3次抢断。


