
premise词根词缀 predispose词根词缀

艾丽游戏ing 1


就是他总结了一些词和词之间的 词根 词缀 含义 音 型等有联系的内容。

premise词根词缀 predispose词根词缀premise词根词缀 predispose词根词缀

起个名字叫逻辑辩证记忆。实际上太庞大了。不管你是哪个级别的学习需要 都很难啃下来的。还是找你适合的学习内容下功夫吧!

如何提高英语水平? 针对4.6级。


Study hard and make progress everyday.



un- uncomfortable, unacceptable, unavoidable

in- incomplete, incapable, indispensable, inevitable

im- imperfect, impartial, immortal

dis- disable, disadvantage

mis- misplace, mislead, misfortune

ab- abnormal

de- deactivate, degrade

il- illegal, illiterate

ir- irregular, irrelative

mal- malfunction, malnutrition

2. trans — across(横过)through(通过)beyond(那边)from one place to another

transient 短暂的

transplant 移植(器官)

transaction 交易

transition 过渡,转变

transition from A to B transition period

tranit 传输,传送(无线电,电视)

tranission (n)

a live tranission 现场直播

cultural tranission 文化的继承

transform 完全改变…的外观/特性


transfer 传递,迁移

translate 翻译

transport 运输

3. com-, con- 1、加强语气 2、共同,一起

combine, compete, compromise

confirm, conspicuous, concession

4. -tain 1、支撑 2、保持,维持,保留

sustain, retain, maintain

5. re- 再,又,回,反

renew, reshape, refresh

6. uni- / mono- one (一个),sole(单一的)

uniform, unique, unity

monotonous (单调的),monopoly (垄断)

7. ex- 向外,超出

expand extend exceed excessive exclusive(ly) excursion

8. pre-/pro- 前,在前

predominant precede, previous, premise, prevalent

proceed, prominent, propel

9. magn- 大(large)

magnify(microscope), magnificent, magnitude

10. viv- /vit- live, life 生命,生活

vivid, survive, revive

vital, vitamin

11. inter- 在……之间 相互

intervene, interfere

12. man- hand (手工)

manufacture , manipulate,manuscript

13. sci- knowledge

science, scientific, consciousness

14. sub- / sus- 下,次,附属

subsidiary subordinate(to)


15. laps 滑,落

(时间)elapse, collapse

16. spec- / spic- look

spectator, speculate, spectacular, perspective


17.clud(s)-, clos- 关闭shut

conclude, include ,exclusive close

18. not note

notify notion(=idea) notorious

19. homo- same


20. simul- together


21. multi — 多,多倍

multiply, multitude

22. contra, contro 相反

contradiction contrary


23. dict- say, tell, speak

dictate, dictator , dictionary, verdict, predict

24. per- through

permeate, perplex, permanent, perpetual, persistent

25. ver- truth

verify verdict

26. -logy study(学习) science

biology psychology

27. -vert / -vers turn

divert advertise

diversify versatile reverse

28. -ics 作抽象名词的后缀,表学科

economics politics physics

29. -ist 表示“人”

pianist geologist typist

30. bio- life

biography biology

31. -ician 从事……专业的人

music → musician

32. -i ……主义……论(抽象名词)

reali Marxi

33. -cid kill


34. mort- death

mortal mortality immortal

35. -scrib / -scrip write draw

describe inscribe prescribe subscribe ascribe

description inscription prescription subscription ascription

36. di-/du-/ambi- /bi- two, double

dilemma / duplicate / ambiguous/ bilateral

37. tri- three


38. bene- good, well, happily

benefit beneficiary

39. volu/ volv roll(滚动)turn(转动)

evolution revolution

involve revolve evolve

40. fer carry(带) produce(生产)

transfer refer fertile

41. phil- love


42. deca- ten


43. cred believe

credible incredible credit

44. cent one hundred


45. mill / kilo 一千,千分之一

millennium million kilometer kilogram

46. dom master, control


dominate, dominant, predominant

47. val 有权力,影响

valid, invalid, valuable, evaluate, prevalent(popular)

48. graph / gram write

biography, geography / grammar, telegram

49. equi — 同等,相等

equivalent equilibrium

50. bat beat打

debate combat battle batter battery

51. seg, sect cut

segment, segregate / section intersection

52. plex 折叠

perplex complex

53. en- / -ify make

enlarge entitle enrich enable

simplify magnify signify

54. sym- / syn- 共同same, 类似similar

sympathy symptom symmetry / syndrome

55 path feeling

pathetic sympathy sympathetic

56. ceed / cess / cede / cest / cur run


recession, access, excess, successor

precede, recede


current currency excursion occur

57. serv 保存,保护(protect)

conserve preserve

58. –able , -ible 可……

respectable, imaginable


59. hypo- 下,在…之下

hypothesis hypotension

60. –pel 推

propel, expel, repel, dispel, impel, compel

61. scend climb

ascend descend

62. spir

aspire, inspire, expire, respire, conspire

63. sent, sens feeling


sense, consensus

64. grav 重

grave, gravity, aggravate (grieve)

65.lev 轻,上升

alleviate, elevate (relieve)

66.rupt break

bankrupt, interrupt, corrupt

以mit miss为词根的单词

以mit miss为词根的单词介绍如下:

miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”

mission n "派遣;使命(miss+ion,送出→派遣)"

missionary a 传道的n. 教士(mission使命+ary→[传教]使命的)

commission n 委员会;委任(com共同+miss+ion→共同送出[选出]的人→委员会)

diiss v 解散;罢免(dis分开+miss→分开送→解散)

emissive a 发出的,放射的(e出+miss送+ive→送出去)

emission n 发出,放射(e+miss+ion)

emissary n 使者,密使(e出+miss+ary人→送出去的人→使者)

remiss a 怠慢的;粗心的(re不+miss→不送出去→怠慢的)

remission n 宽恕;赦免(re再+miss+ion→再一次放过[别人]→宽恕)

omission n 省略(o出+miss+ion→放出去→省略)

permission n 允许(per始终+miss+ion→始终放入→允许)

permissive a 准许的;纵容的(per+miss+ive)

submission n 屈服(sub下面+miss+ion→放在下面→屈服)

submissive a 服从的(sub+miss+ive)

tranission n 转送;传达(trans横+miss+ion→横着送→传送过去)

premise n 前提(pre预先+mise→预先送出→前提)

promise n 答应;保证(pro前面+mise→在做事前送出的话→允诺)

surmise v 推测,猜测(sur在下面+mise→在下面说出的话→猜测)

demise v 让与;遗赠(de分开+mise→分开送→遗赠)

admit v 许可入学等;承认(ad+mit→送来→许可进入)

commit v 委托;委任(com共同+mit→共同送→委任)

committee n 委员会(commit+t+ee)

emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e出+mit→送出[气味]等)

intermit v 一时停止,间断(inter在中间+mit→在中间送东西→打断,间断)

intermittent a 间歇的(intermit+t+ent)

omit v 省去,略去(o出+mit→送出→省略)

permit v 许可,允许(per始终+mit→始终放出来→许可)

remit v 汇款;饶恕(re再+mit→[把钱]再送出去→汇款)

submit v 使屈服;提出(sub下面+mit→送下去→屈服)

tranit v 寄送;传达(trans横+mit→横送过去→传达)

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The way to recite vocabulary in English learning

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As follows:

Pick to: vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English vocabulary will directly influence the students, English ability of development. By memory rule, scientifically vocabulary memory to the accumulation of vocabulary as the breakthrough, comprehensively improve my English level is English learning a important task.

Keywords: memorizing words method to learn English

Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.

English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.

English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.

First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first yze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.

Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.

Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) oking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no oking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary. 给你全翻了,就看有没有美国人了


Method of memorizing English words

Abstract: Vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English, a direct impact on vocabulary development of English proficiency of students. Regular use of memory, scientifically word memory, a breakthrough in terms of accumulation, improve the standard of English is an important task of learning English.

Keywords: learning English word back

Words constitute one of the three elements of language, memory, word is the primary basis for learning English. British linguist D. A. Wilkins once said: no grammar, people can not express many things, not words, people can not express anything. Vocabulary is the foundation of other skills to master enough vocabulary, hear, read, write, etc. is guaranteed.

English vocabulary learning to do the most basic words in your memory. Hundreds of thousands of English words, that can use a fraction of it, however, Shakespeare also used to twenty thousand words. Professor Thorndike U.S. General Books and articles based on the word of the emergence of the more common rate over statistics, the result is: the most commonly used words in 3000 accounted for the emergence rate of 97.66 ℅ This shows that mastering it is particularly common terms 3000 important.

English vocabulary learning your repeated. Learned words, if you do not often repeated, will soon forget, this is very natural. Thus, learning English will always be forgotten in the human mind, by repeating the memory, the word firmly in your mind.

First encounter a new words, do not blindly in the dictionary. Should first yze the composition of new words encountered to see if it contains the words you have learned or familiar part of the launch from the known unknown. Accurate pronunciation will not only help to improve hearing, and the standard spelling of the word plays a vital role.

Do not learn English hopes in the integrity of the system to learn on, and do not count on chunks of time. Because the human brain is not the computer system, the large study, will be systematically and in large numbers to forget.

Holistic understanding of many people in learning English are not good at English words and phrases on the particular language environment to be understood and memory, but rather concentrate on one thing, a word a word to understand, to remember. Thus meaning they receive is isolated, one-sided and narrow, and on the understanding and mastery of word meaning is also very rigid limited. Such as: "D r. Koope has called for a oke free America by the year 2000." Individual to memorize words, it is very easy to understand the sentence as "Dr. Cooper called for the establishment by 2000 of a free (or free) to oke the United States. " This is clearly understood and the topic is out of tune. The reason it wrong because the sentence "f ree" common meaning of the word "free", "free" and not know there is "no ... the" means. Sentence should be "Dr. Cooper called before 2000 to establish a no oking in the United States." Learners should be remembered that the sentence in which words, look at it in a sentence for what ingredients to know these parts of speech, see it be interpreted in the text to know these meanings; to see what it is before and after the match and to master its fixed usage. To master the words by this method is the "live", not "dead". It will guarantee that you say it is authentic in English, read out the sentence is accurate, written expression is complete. Effectively improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Thus, memory and understanding of the overall focus is very necessary.

The Method of memorizing English words

Abstract: Vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English.The English words directly affect the amount of the development of English proficiency of students. Regular use the scientifically way to remember words and make a breakthrough based on accumulation of Vocabulary.Improving the standard of English is an important task of learning English.

Key words: memorization ,way

Words are one of elements of language constitution.memorizing word is the primary basis for learning English. British linguist D. A. Wilkins once said: no grammar, people can not express many things, not words, people can not express anything. Vocabulary is the foundation of other skills to master enough vocabulary, hear, read, write, etc.

Learning English word is guaranteed by memorization. English vocabulary learning to do the most basic words in your memory. Hundreds of thousands of English words, that can use a fraction of it.However, Shakespeare also used to twenty thousand words. Professor Thorndike U.S. General Books and articles based on the word of the emergence of the more common rate over statistics, the result is: the most commonly used words in 3000 accounted for the emergence rate of 97.66 ℅. This shows that it is important to mastering 3000 words.

Learning English vocabulary is vital of repeating. Learned words, if you do not often repeated, it will soon forget, this is very natural. Thus, learning English will always be forgotten in the human mind, by repeating the memory, the word firmly in your mind.

First encounter a new words, do not blindly in the dictionary. Should first yze the composition of new words encountered to see if it contains the words you have learned or familiar part of the launch from the known unknown. Accurate pronunciation will not only help to improve hearing, and the standard spelling of the word plays a vital role.

Do not learn English hopes in the integrity of the system to learn on, and do not count on chunks of time. Because the human brain is not the computer system, the large study, will be systematically and in large numbers to forget. Holistic understanding of many people in learning English are not good at English words and phrases on the particular language environment to be understood and memory, but rather concentrate on one thing, a word a word to understand, to remember. Thus meaning they receive is isolated, one-sided and narrow, and on the understanding and mastery of word meaning is also very rigid limited. Such as: "D r. Koope has called for a oke free America by the year 2000." Individual to memorize words, it is very easy to understand the sentence as "Dr. Cooper called for the establishment by 2000 of a free (or free) to oke the United States. " This is clearly understood and the topic is out of tune. The reason it wrong because the sentence "f ree" common meaning of the word "free", "free" and not know there is "no ... the" means. Sentence should be "Dr. Cooper called before 2000 to establish a no oking in the United States." Learners should be remembered that the sentence in which words, look at it in a sentence for what ingredients to know these parts of speech, see it be interpreted in the text to know these meanings; to see what it is before and after the match and to master its fixed usage. To master the words by this method is the "live", not "dead". It will guarantee that you say it is authentic in English, read out the sentence is accurate, written expression is complete. Effectively improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Thus, memory and understanding of the overall focus is very necessary.

English word memory method explore

Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.

English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.

English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.

First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first yze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.

Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.

Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) oking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no oking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary.

method explore of English word memory

Pick to: vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English vocabulary will directly influence the students, English ability of development. By memory rule, scientifically vocabulary memory to the accumulation of vocabulary as the breakthrough, comprehensively improve my English level is English learning a important task.

Keywords: memorizing words method to learn English

Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.

English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.

English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.

First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first yze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.

Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.

Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) oking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no oking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary.
