
商务英语一级口语题目 商务英语一级口语题目大全

艾丽游戏ing 1


商务英语一级口语题目 商务英语一级口语题目大全商务英语一级口语题目 商务英语一级口语题目大全


2、为了帮助大家,我整理了一些关于面试的商务英语口语,希望能对大家有所帮助!How are you feeling Anna?你感觉怎么样,安娜?Oh, a little nervous but I really want this job.有点紧张,但是我很想得到这个工作。

3、Well don't worry Anna, as long as you say the right things, you'll be fine.别担心,安娜,只要你说话无误就没问题。

4、The right things! ? Like what?正确的事情?!比如什么?You need to sell yourself, be confident, not arrogant and give examples.Like:你要宣传自己,自信,不傲慢还要有理有据。

5、比如:A good example that comes to mind.我想到了一个很好的例子。

6、I'm particularly proud of.我特别自豪。

7、Timekeeping is important to me.守时对我来说很重要。

8、Oh right. Thanks. Perhaps you can come with me?是的,谢谢。

9、也许你能跟我一起?Sorry Anna, you're on your own now – but we'll be listening in.对不起,安娜,现在你要自己去了,但是我们会听着的。

10、Look! You've just arrived. Good luck!看!你正好到了。

11、好运!Come in. Hello, I'm Paul, the Manager of Tip Top Trading. And you must be… It's Anna.请进。


13、Tip Top Trading的经理,你肯定是……我是安娜。
