1、选择时:Pleased to meet you攻击时:1、Dust'em, pix (其实就是 Dust them,pix);2、Let's use all the colours;3、Too tall......much too tall;4、They aren't gonna like this;5、They aren't gonna like this;6、A solid giggle should do the trick移动时:1、Just a pinch;2、Whoa dizzy;3、Nosy dew drop;4、I recommend skipping;5、Yup, that taste purple;6、That squirrel looks familiar;7、Never look a tulip in the eye;8、You will see more with your eyes closed玩笑时:1、Let's put on our thinking cap...Hmm, Ah, I got it;2、I could go for a twirl, Whoa, Whoa,whoa~剩下的就是各种技能时:1、Come on you, let's danse, Ha!;2、Let‘s go around again,HA!;3、fuzzy!(这个一定是在把别人变兔子时叫的);4、Adorbus! ;5、Delightify! ;6、Transmogulate!;7、Cuddy incoming!;8、Zippy!;9、Tut tut!;10、Vroom vroom!;11、Hugify!; 12、Up we go!;13、Enormivis(最后的这四个,是在变大时说的)~至于中文,一直感觉翻译过来就没什么意思了,所以,我就不翻译了,自己找找词典,这些,有些是俚语,有些是拉丁语转来的形容词,可能恶了点,好好找找就一定能找到~最后再加一句,璐璐还真的好萌啊!!萌翻啦!!!!。