

艾丽游戏ing 1





2、Dear Playdota正确:嘉文四世。

3、 users,As our community grows and matures, one of the projects we want to undertake is to provide a quality discussion platform that is unique to our players' interests and habits. We feel the community should be empowered with directing its own Dota discussions, so we are excited to introduce a way for our users to rate the ts and threads of the community.From now on, each t will he a green "Thu up" or a red "Thu down" option. Content-less or objectionable ts that he been thumbed down by the community will be hidden from view to give more visibility to useful ts. The users will now benefit from real time actions in lieu of waiting for staff to come online. Playdota staff will still be reachable if the t is reported, or through private message. Bear in mind that the forum rules still apply, so please continue to follow the forum guidelines.。
